Friday, December 10, 2010

Como Se Dice Game

I've been meaning to write this specific blog about two weeks ago, because of the mindset I was in at the time.  However, when you're in school every day of the week, two weeks feels more like two months. A person forgets how hard it is to learn something when you cannot effectively communicate.  Think as far back as possible to a time that you could not have a full conversation with someone over a basic topic and remember the frustration.  Well, come to think of it, I was too young to understand frustration due to a lack in ability to communicate fully.  Yes, that is how far back I am referring to.  I never knew how to say, "I crapped my pants, mom."  I just did it.  That's how I communicated when I was in diapers...don't judge, because you did too.

To communicate, you get used to saying the same thing over and over again.

Today, I still use the phrase, "como se dice...en espanol?"  It's just about the simplest way of saying, "How do you say....en espanol?"  Now for the creative minds out there that enjoy a good Mad Lib, this game can be very intriguing. But say it every day and it gets old quickly.  Spanish is not exactly like english with -Os and -As at the end of every english word.  For instance, "How do-o you-o say-o stupid in spanish-o?" will not get you very far in relations with the spanish speaking world.  They will respond, "La palabra es estupido, estupido."  Ok, so stupid really does have an -O at the end of it. Bad example, but a fun one.

As for the "ah-ha moment", I am sad to report that I have not had it yet.  Game over.  We'll play the Como Se Dice Game next month and see if I have broken the chains of being muy lento.

In the meanwhile, here is a refreshing picture.  If you look closely, there are clouds in the background.  Mas o menos, it was an ok day.

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