Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Night Special

It's 2:26am and my Friday night closes down with another round of cleaning out the house of items that don't need to be a part of my life anymore. My move will be upon me faster than I am currently ready for and spending my Friday nights packing and organizing are taking on a more appealing demand. Work is taking a light-hearted acceptance of their decision to redefine my position in order to let me take this time to fulfill personal growth. I am no longer greeted with, "Mornin'." My boss now says, "Hola."

The big items are almost fully taken care of:
1. Rent place out
2. Book one-way ticket to Costa Rica (Weird!)
3. Storage for cars and furniture
4. Apartment in Costa Rica
5. School reserved

I haven't had time for it to hit me yet. I've been in go mode so much that the process of making this happen is now the norm. I think it won't hit until I realize it's not vacation. I guess it is not a bad dilema to be in. Waking up to the beach and having the realization that will be my reality for 6 months.

with that, I have a moment of peace that will allow me to go to bed now!

There will be another day to worry about what isn't taken care of.

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